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Education For Fashion-Tech
Interdisciplinary Curriculum for Fashion in the Digital Era.
The aim of EDU4Fashion-Tech project, financied by the European Union through the Erasmus+ action KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education, is to bridge the fashion field with that of innovative technologies by creating a new training pathway to improve the level of key competencies and skills of students and trainers and to break down barriers between technologists and creative communities and build meaningful collaboration. The objectives of the project have been achieved through the delivery of: intellectual outputs; learning, teaching or training activities and multiplier events. 
This project is carried out by an inspirational team from The University of Boras - Swedish School of Textiles, Politecnico di Milano – Dipartimento di Design and University of the Arts - London College of Fashion. Enthusiasts members from different fields within the textile industry have come together to create a new way of learning. All of them contributed with their personal strengths to the project. 
The projects’ specific targets are:
- Development of digital capabilities next to design skills (3D virtual design & prototyping, AR/VR, HMI, coding embedded in the design process).
- Enhance craftsmanship skills hybridizing them with digital manufacturing.
- Technological insights enabling designers to work with scientists, computer-engineers and biologists in order to develop and innovate for material, products or manufacturing processes to invent new applications.
- Equipping designers with collaborative design and innovation capabilities to deliver more effective ways of developing disruptive products and product/services.
-  Mastering co-creation and user-driven innovation processes.
- Strengthening capabilities to interpret socio-technological trends, consumer insights and narratives.
- Industrially relevant transferable skills necessary for innovation management and product development.
- Enhance creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem-solving, communication and collaboration (21st-century skills).
At the end of the project has been produced a final report which offers trainers, practitioners, students, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), stakeholders, opinion leaders and policy-makers research data and reference points for developing an integrated Fashion-Tech approach into curricula, didactic and learning approaches, product development processes, and programmes for social and economic growth.
The volume highlights the benefits of the adoption of such an integrated approach into higher education and the labour market, thanks to the development of better-qualified professionals. Additionally, it envisions an enriched cross-disciplinary European higher education system and a more competitive transnational labour market, where fashion and technology are fused boosting knowledge and economic growth.
Politecnico di Milano – Dipartimento di Design;
University of the Arts - London College of Fashion;