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The development of a pan-European fashion-technology network.
DeFINE Developing a Fashion-Tech Innovation Network for Europe aims to support the fusion of cutting-edge technologies and innovation into the European fashion and design industries, building up a network of incubators & accelerators, start-ups & SMEs, and financiers to form a fashion-technology community to promote knowledge sharing, new ideas and collaboration.
As the European fashion industry is made up largely of micro and SME businesses, it can be challenging for those businesses to develop networks and have the capacity and skills to understand and access new technological developments. Added to this, there is a lack of financiers who understand and are ready to invest in innovative fashion businesses, likewise fashion businesses are often unaware of how to go about accessing finance. As a result, the industry as a whole is missing out on opportunities for growth, and risks becoming less competitive in the global marketplace. Across Europe, incubators and accelerators are providing support to help start-ups and SMEs working in both the fashion and technology industries to flourish. For the first time, DeFINE will bring together a network of these support organizations and financiers to share knowledge and contacts, to encourage the best possible support for cross-sectoral and transnational collaboration and innovation within Europe. During the three years of the project duration DeFINE will deliver: a Europe-wide programme of inter-related networking events, training, mentoring support and knowledge-sharing, for the benefit of incubators & accelerators, start-ups & SMEs, and financiers; 25 new products, processes or market approaches, as a result of 8 months’ innovation mentoring support provided by our network of experts, and access to facilities; and a report on good practices and recommendations to industry for delivering Fashion-Innovation support in Europe.